Luna Lovegood

姚洪楼 发表于 遗失的美好 分类,


Luna:Hello, Harry Potter.

Harry:Your feet, aren’t they cold?


Harry:Unfortunately, all my shoes have mysteriously disappeared.



Harry:How come you’re not at the feast?

Luna:Lost all my possessions. Apparently people have been hiding them.

Harry:That’s awful.

Luna:Oh, it’s all good fun. But as it’s the last night, I really do need them back.

Harry:Do you want any help finding them?


Luna:I’m sorry about your godfather, Harry. (这句是安慰Harry的话)

Harry:Are you sure you don’t want any help looking?

Luna:That’s all right.

Luna:Anyway, my mum always sail the things we lose have a way of coming back to us in the end.


Luna:If not always in the way we expect.

Luna:Think I’ll just go have some pudding.


